Friday, January 25, 2008

The Longest Yesterday

There is an IT review yesterday and it became a rather long day for me.

When I glance at the guy's name from the email and I thought he must be a white guy but as it turns out he is a Filipino. The guy was quite plesant. He was inquisitive, as to expected from a reviewer. I was afraid of making myself look bad in his eye... But hopefully I came out alright. He knows a lot, as to expected from the regional help desk staff. He offers a lot of suggestions and solutions regarding the computer problem at the office. I felt worn out by the end of the day. And I do not think I would find the sympathetic ears in the office and many of the CR staff usually stay after closing time :P

I slept quite soundly last night and by the time the alarm went off I did not felt like getting up at all... The weather is a bit cool and so perfect for sleeping. But I have things to do...

Today I went back to the shop to replace the Memory Stick again. The shop owner is soooo nice and replace the MS for me again. Right now I am transferring the files to the MS via the USB cable and I have a good feeling about this MS. Right now the files are transferring with countdown time. I think it would work this times... I hope...

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